A Magazine for Young Europeans is an eTwinning project implemented (last academic year 2018/2019) by P3B class during Spanish lessons supervised by Ms. Gema de Miguel (Spanish teacher). Students´ task was to create a magazine in cooperation with students from France (Lycée Marceau de Chartres) and from Germany (Gymnasium Sassnitz). They collaboratedin different groups within the class as well as within other groups from all countries that participated in this project.
The project generallyaims to enhance a wide range of key competences:
Language competence:communication in Spanish (written and verbal skills, listening, reading)
Multicultural competence: discovering other countries, different ways of life, cultures and their customs
Social and Civic competence: promoting the idea of unity with the European Union, enhancing multicultural dialogue, supporting tolerance, European citizenship, enhancingmotivation, sensitivity and openness to other cultures
Application of information and communications technologies: utilizing a variety of information technologies, internet programmes and applications correspondingto events developed to support their practical use in real communicationsituations
Key competences for the 21st Century: cooperative learning, negotiation, planning, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication and presentation skills and project evaluation by means of new technologies
A link to A Magazine for Young Europeans: click here.